華人 的忌諱特別多﹖
儘管這位女士斬釘截鐵稱,她不願看到老翁死得不明不白,才說出真相。 當記者詢及是否會報警,讓警方來查明真相﹖她搖頭說,怕多事,不願報警。即使記者多次勸告,嘗試說服她向警方報案,存有“生不入官門”觀念的她指著丈夫的背影,搖頭告訴記者其夫婿不允許她介入。
“生不入官門,死不進醫院”已成為一些華人的文化,當然其他種族人士也不排除有類似的通病。 這種思維無疑是逃避問題及責任的自私行為,我們應儘快消除它,並樹立正確的觀念以消除疑惑及不安的心,那麼“有事入官門,有病進醫院”就沒有什麼好怕﹗
儘管這位女士斬釘截鐵稱,她不願看到老翁死得不明不白,才說出真相。 當記者詢及是否會報警,讓警方來查明真相﹖她搖頭說,怕多事,不願報警。即使記者多次勸告,嘗試說服她向警方報案,存有“生不入官門”觀念的她指著丈夫的背影,搖頭告訴記者其夫婿不允許她介入。
“生不入官門,死不進醫院”已成為一些華人的文化,當然其他種族人士也不排除有類似的通病。 這種思維無疑是逃避問題及責任的自私行為,我們應儘快消除它,並樹立正確的觀念以消除疑惑及不安的心,那麼“有事入官門,有病進醫院”就沒有什麼好怕﹗
13 条评论:
Lee Kuan Yew said recently the relationship between Malaysia and Singapore has not always been smooth sailing, and so investing in the Iskandar Development Region (IDR) may not always be smooth sailing for Singaporean companies.
This is simply a statement of fact that nevertheless appears to have gotten local Umno leaders into a tizzy.
Every local Umno politician hopes to be in a position to be approving investment flows into the country because to stand as gatekeeper is a very lucrative position, and when public squabbles erupt between Umno politicians about who is the better "protector of malay privileges and rights", it usually means someone just wants a bigger cut of the investment action for himself.
Nevertheless the relentless demonisation campaign in the malay vernacular press for the last 50 years by Umno has been such a tremendous success that new investments into Malaysia that would benefit huge numbers of the malay Muslim masses with development and job are nevertheless seen by the malay Muslim community with jaundiced eyes whilst fabulously corrupt and rich malay Muslim Umno parasites who insist on their extortionate cut of the action or else block further investment inflows into the country are seen as heroes, and that have "mempertahankan maruah".
Go figure that one.
Of course, the relationship between Malaysia and Singapore is special because of the race relations issue.
Every time the question of Singaporeans investing anywhere in Malaysia is brought up, there are inevitable cries of indignation by Umno wannabes performing a 'wayang kulit' about Malaysia being exploited by its Chinese neighbour. This is a recurring knee-jerk reaction that defies logic but the lesson here should be one must never underestimate the effectiveness of relentlessly toxic racial and religious propaganda.
Singapore has been the favourite whipping boy of the Umno-controlled malay vernacular press for the last 50 years, and if anything are seen as even bigger devils than the local Chinese and Indian citizens of Malaysia in the eyes of Malaysia's malay Muslims.
The fact is Singapore's development model has meant that Singapore's malays are far better educated, far better equipped, far better paid, far more self-confident, and self-reliant to deal with globalisation than malay Muslims in Malaysia.
This makes Ketuanan Melayu, the malay Agenda, and the NEP look like failed racist apartheid policies that have impoverished everyone except Umno cronies.
Of course, Umno must demonise Singapore to maintain the illusion that Umno politicians are nationalists and not parasites, and more so if Singapore happens to be better educated, meritocratic, richer, and safer than Malaysia.
Malay Muslims in Malaysia have been brainwashed by Umno for the last 50 years into thinking that the Chinese and Indians both Malaysians and Singaporeans have gotten rich at their expense, and this perception probably won't change anytime soon because Umno does not have another elections winning formula if it dumps the present demonisation formulas.
Every time Singapore's first world achievements are compared with the sluggish technological, competitiveness, economic, educational, professional, scientific, and social standard in apartheid Malaysia, there is the predictable keris waving, baying for blood, and frothing at the mouth in every Umno up and down the country in Malaysia
Although Chinese and Indian Malaysians have simply accepted the gross racial discrimination in business, education, and job as a fact of life in Malaysia, the non-apartheid non-NEP meritocratic Singaporean mindset may not have the stomach for this particular type of nonsense in the IDR.
I think Lee Kuan Yew is way too smart to think the demonisation process of the Chinese and Indians in the Umno-controlled malay vernacular press is going to stop anytime soon. How else is Umno going to win elections except by continuing to perpetrate the lie that the orang asing minorities in Malaysia are a threat to the malays?
Nevertheless Lee Kuan Yew may be hoping Chinese and Indian Singaporean investors will not be discriminated against in the IDR in comparison with investors from countries like China, Europe, Hong Kong, India, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United States.
In the meantime, I am sure it will simply be business as usual for the rest of us in racial and religious apartheid Malaysia.
Education in Bolehland is a big joke. It is systematically being damaged, degraded, destroyed and impaired by the BN government ever since after Tunku. Why? So that the BN leaders kids can be comparatively better than common plebeians.
Why do you think they send their kids to overseas or private schools at a young age! They have no intention of sharing the rubbish education here period. Badawi like the big fool that he is blindly following it but christened it as his way. What joke!
Malaysia export electronic goods, furniture, oil, palm oil, rubber, textile, timber……….and multi-lingual human talents.
There is nothing wrong with those who choose to stay overseas. As highlighted in my view, even my best mate and the best man for my wedding has sown roots in Singapore - I definitely don't "begrudge" him for that.
To me, do not begrudge them who are justly reaping the fruit of their hard labour and paying back a debt to the hand which fed them. It is very difficult to continue to love your motherland which does not love you in return.
There is nothing wrong with having different philosophies in life and taking the route that best fit those philosophies.
And what facilities (hardware and software) do we have to offer? Besides, what financial package could local varsities offer? Last but not least, the factor of critical mass. Can someone find the like-minded colleague to pursue what he is researching right now?
I have heard those "Malaysia Truly Asia" commercials on CNN over and over. I always felt the slogan was rather fishy. But you have supplied important details about matters that I only had a vague awareness of.
Why don't you do something to challenge the slogan? After all, Malaysia is discriminating against people of the two main nations in Asia, China and India. How dare the Malaysia government claim to represent the true Asia?
There is a theory say that Malaysia may suffer in 50 years time because all the best brains will leave the country once and for all because of the affirmative policies. Brain drain still takes place even today and tomorrow, and forever as long as the government protect particular industry and particular race.
If the theory is correct (time will tell), then the so-called world class universities will stay as dream forever. To be world class, there should be 100% open policy with fair play field.
To sum up the things, the affirmative policies should go. However it won't take place very soon or even be forever.
Bolehland is still in denial syndrome.
The existing government of Malaysia, seriously hasn't an inkling what depths we, as a country has plunged in educational standards, from pre-school to tertiary levels.
Or maybe, the powers-that-be in fact do know, but are completely bankrupt of ideas on what must be done to climb back out of this bottomless hole, and what they are lip preaching is just so that they will continue their jobs, and hand the reins of a near death nation to the next unfortunate successor.
Don't waste your time and ours. As long as your teaching staffs, administrators and students that are chosen based on color and religion, and not based on merit and performance, there is no way they can even be in the top 100.
Just have a look at the qualifications of all your politicians as compared to those of Singapore. Even our prime minister has no credible qualification except being a crony of Mahathir.
What is the important of building university which is not recognised by neighbouring country, i.e. Singapore!
Talk is cheap. What are the ministers strategies to make our world class universities? If you admit mediocre malay students to fill quotas, insist on having a malays as the vice chancellor (VC) and promote lecturers based on skin color rather than ability, there is no way we can move even one notch up the ranking ladder.
For a change, put a Chinese or an Indian as the VC, that is if the minister is sincere in bringing about change, I am sure there will be progress. Most importantly, bar Umno politicians from interfering in university affairs.
This is a gigantic asking. Just dream on, man……….Pray more, you may get money but not world class universities!
All talk only but in reality can't achieve. It needs patient and understanding on the education systems. The proper guideline and implementation. Not easy to do. Talk can. To do it cannot.
Sadly it seems to be that the best education system Malaysia has ever had was under the British time. Since then it has gone downhill until where it is today. Malaysia is not famous for raising standards, but for lowering standards incessantly. Now 15 A1s is nothing but rote learning bookworm.
What else have we got to lose? We are almost at the bottom and dropping, and the only way to go is up. If you have children planning university education, start looking elsewhere.
Save money if we have and send our children overseas, just like Mahathir and all our ministers have done for their children.
Just spoke to a friend of mine, and she told me that a close friend of her studying in Singapore, just visited Malaysia over the weekend. And so, I asked her what did her friend tell her about Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur to be specific……….and you know what, the first word is - dirty.
True enough, I think many Malaysians still have poor mentality in terms of keeping the public area clean, and not to litter. Yup Malaysia is so dirty, as said by our prime minister, we have first class facilities but third class mentalities.
I went to Australia and it is so clean, and the citizens really abide the rules like wearing the seatbelts while driving etc. We Malaysians always have problems on obeying the rules.
The Australian Chinese will be great asset in the next 10 - 20 years. Because Australia is eyeing the China share of investment. The influence of China economy policy will definitely reach Australia.
So it would be good for Australian Chinese to study Mandarin as well. English is much easily to master than Mandarin. Dual languages for young Australian Chinese will be beneficial for them as they can provide a link between the rich China and Australian expertise.
Good luck to all fellow Australian Chinese.
I am thinking of doing a post grad degree just for the sake of running away from this Malaysia country.
Australia or Hong Kong or Shanghai mainly because of their culture and weather similarities. I hate everything about Malaysia - the people, the politics and especially the weather.
And if you think you want to play a role in "solving the many problems of Malaysia" - good for you, because it certainly not going to be my business.
I know people say: If you don't like Malaysia, get out of the country! Yes, I am doing just that. Cheers to our politicians!
Yes, which Islamic country in the world today is strong in science technology, R&D, literature, etc?
The answer is a big NONE!
Drop Islam and malays would be a better race!
Some have claimed that the malays dominate the banking industry, I would agree. And dominate the automobile industry in Malaysia.
Out of the 10 anchor banks in Malaysia, only Hong Leong Bank, Public Bank Bhd and Southern Bank are controlled by non-malays.
Again, after Oriental Holding Bhd lost it franchise and dealership of Honda. Hyundai franchise has been acquired by Sime Darby. Only Tan Chong which holds distributorship of Nissan remain under non-malays.
Actually, it is ridiculous to excluded government link company (GLC) on it calculation on 18 percent ownership. If included GLC, malays control more than 50% of Malaysia economy. All GLCs are head by malays and majority of its staff comprises malays plus it has the malays culture.
Other than the two industries highlighted, they fail to include plantation industry. With the GLC control of Golden Hope, Guthrie and Sime Darby, malays actually control the majority of the plantation land in Malaysia.
It just that it yield of the company unable to compete with those control by non-malays like IOI Group, Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd and PPB Oil Palms Bhd. Thus, it is time to improve efficiency and competitiveness rather than improve percentage of ownership.
All the plantation company also has a property development arm to capitalize on the land-bank like Gutherie Land, I&P and Sime UEP.
Malays also control all the free to air TV via Media Prima Bhd. Holding company of TV3.
At one point of time, malays control the whole Kuala Lumpur transport system via IntraKota and Park May Bhd. However, both have been acquired by the government due to inefficiency and unable to pay its debts. Again, this is a question of efficiency and not a question of ownership percentage.
I have several remarks to make on Vision 2020. However, with the present state of mind in the country in which alternative views are seen with deep antagonism, I doubt we can make it. We cannot have sound advice and have prejudice in its implementation. Our stumbling block is our prejudices, racial or otherwise.
To talk about the NEP and achieving a 30 percent share of the wealth sounds myopic to me. If the third-rate politicians are allowed to continue with this propaganda to get elected, the electorates deserve what they get. By continually shouting these slogans, they actually give the malays a sense of inferiority complex.
We are only less than half a percent of the world population. Why don't we open our eyes and look at the other 99 percent of the world market instead of looking just at the wealth of the non-malays in Malaysia.
The solution lies with the politicians and the people.
Edmund Terence Gomez says it who owns corporate Malaysia, and he is absolutely correct in observing that the Chinese Malaysian entrepreneurs have not managed to develop brand names or move up the technological ladder as a result of the NEP.
And I am glad to read that the likes of executive director of the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) agrees that another NEP policy like the kind that we have had before is not a wise move.
If not for the NEP, one would argue that by now, Malaysia would already have produced super companies and super brand names like Samsung and Sony.
Instead, Malaysia continues to drive her most gifted Malaysians such as engineers, entrepreneurs, managers, researchers, scientists etc, out of the country to work for other world-class companies.
If the whole idea of another NEP policy is still to try to get the malays to own 30 percent of corporate Malaysia, then we'd have missed the big picture altogether.
Because there is a bigger pie out there and corporate Malaysia has to get serious about competing globally rather than to still try and decide how to divide our own little pie amongst ourselves.
Lee Kuan Yew is a highly respected statesman throughout the world. Bapa Corruption Mahathir, well he is been deemed a pariah by his own malay community.
The people who suffer most in this country due to this racist Umno strategy unfortunately are the ordinary malays.
The people who benefit the most are the Umno malays, BN goons and of course the handful of crooked non-malay businessmen, who are in cahoots with these politicians to rape the country.
It makes me sad that the malays do not realise the truth about how they are being misguided by the Umno malays.
Saying Singapore is easy to govern because it is a small country is such a stupid argument. Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Johor Baru are all much much smaller than Singapore but how do we match them in terms of development?
My advice is that we listen to this Lee great statesman and try to learn from him instead of going into a state of denial.
Dear Malaysians, our politicians practise racialism and our main news media do not publish the majority non-malays sentiments and feelings. But judging from the outburst of frustration and anger expressed by readers in the forum, I shudder to think of the future of Malaysia. We are sitting on a time bomb.
At the moment, there are still some unseen forces binding all the various races together in Malaysia. However, once these forces are gone, our country would fell like former Yugoslavia and other racially torn countries.
I do not agree with our present government's racial policy, neither do I agree with those highly racial remarks in the forum. I believe not all Malaysians are racialist in nature, we are just being stuck with the present system with the racialist politicians who cared for their own interest. The politicians are the main culprits who always "champion" for their own race's interest.
My father's neighbour is a malay family and they are friendlier to my father than to their malay neighbour next door. I also have a malay friend who, after staying in a malay community for years, said that if he were to move out, he would prefer to move to a mixed community area.
I could only pray for the future of our country. I pray for a change of our present government so that the present "policy" could be reversed and all Malaysians live in harmony. It is no use telling the world how well the various races live together in harmony superficially, while deep inside hatred and anger is building up.
The sometimes very strong and rabid rage opinions given are at both frightening and disappointing. We seem to have failed as a nation when it comes to inter-ethnic unity. I just hope our leaders take heed of this.
Refer some comment to above, do you think they will ever learn? They even have the "onion face" to tell the world that we are the best model of multiracial country, uh!
Those politicians are only fooling the innocents, they say one thing but act the other. Come next year they will sing another tune to please the Chinese, Indians, you know why? Because it is time to fish some votes then! How pathetic.
The malays should be aware that once again the elite malays is using the poor malays to rob from others. If Umno take over Penang, it is the elite Khairy who will rob from the Penang people, are the poor malays to gain anything?
Already corruption is all the way to the highest level, but the common malay people just sit and keep quiet waiting for someone else like DAP to voice out!
Racial polarisation in the country is not caused by the country's vernacular school system but more by the government political, education and economic discriminative policies, an educationist said today.
The prime minister and all the Umno ministers will never admit that polarisation arises more out of the race-based policies and privileges one race gets over another.
Similarly, there are other areas of our daily lives where terminologies used have made us view certain practices as privileges rather than sacrifices. For instance, the bumi discount for houses.
The total sale value to the developer is still the same. It is just that the non-malay buyer is likely to be required to pay for some of the discount given to the malays.
But the longer the NEP policies continue and the greater the vehemence with which Umno politicians issue threats, terminologies will change and more people will talk about these practices or policies in words that may not sound as pleasing to the ears of the beneficiaries.
Obviously, at that point we shall probably see a new round of discriminations and disagreements. Unfortunately, as long as only weak people take on leadership roles within Umno, threats will continue, NEP policies will be sustained and corruption will prevail.
That unfortunately is the legacy we have as Malaysians.
The basic building blocks of unity, whether you are uniting different ethnic groups in a country or trying to re-engineer a corporation of differing cultural values, are the same.
The principal parties have to be treated as equals - nor special privileges no favours that would favour one group over another. Any privilege that is given should be given to all on the same basis - for example, special privilege given to the financially poor regardless of race or ethnic origin.
It is only on this equitable footing that you can foster true nationalism and build lasting unity, since each component group will have the same stake in the nation and has equal likelihood in reaping the rewards or suffering the consequences.
My recommendation to the government, not simply as a businessman but also based on pragmatism, is not to waste any more taxpayer ringgit on nationalism programmes until it has established the pre-conditions for its success.
What is sad is that, after almost five decades of independence, we have been unable in Malaysia, to bring globally-vision leaders to the forefront - leaders who can see beyond racial boundaries to recognise the immense sociological and economic potential that can benefit all Malaysians.
The damage has been done. As long as the culprit still has the power to rule the Malaysia country, there are no second thoughts of returning back here. For vacations maybe, but even that will be full with hesitations.
To be honest, if dissatisfied people in this country have sufficient financial terms and non heavy commitments, I can bet every single one of them would have left this cursed land long time ago.
I just wonder if all the non-malays are financially independent and just stayed at home enjoying life. The country under the 'supreme' ruling of the malays and the outdated worthless NEP system, will crush itself like a 500 pound bitch humping on a dying 100 years old guy.
Soon, the globe will be spread with Chinese!
They will be the ones who contribute to the progress of the host country.
They will be accepted,
by their host country.
the malay politicians will still be using:
Special rights
to tie their own countrymen down just to continue voting for them.
Some malay intellectuals will probably follow the footsteps of the Chinese.
The recalcitrants will be left behind to continue being (had) by the malay politicians.
I wish to point out that the Orang Asli, not the malays, are the original inhabitants of Malaysia. Most of the malay Malaysians came from Sumatra and other parts of Indonesia. They only migrated here much earlier than the Chinese and Indian Malaysians. It does not mean they deserve privileges or rights just because they were the pioneer immigrants.
I applaud the non-malays who have kept quiet but are though uneasy over these special rights. You are true heroes, willing to show malays that you can succeed despite the odds. But neither I nor you should give up the right to be a first-class citizen of your country.
In fact there is nothing wrong in working hand in hand for the greater good of Malaysia. As for the malays who insist on hiding behind the veil of malay special rights - you have lost the respect of non-malays a long time ago.
Most non-malays I know come from low and middle income families. They struggled to save every sen. They like everyone else, spent their hard earned savings plus their EPF funds to educate their children. The poor ones can’t even do that as there is no one to help them. Can they ask for help from the government? Who represents these people?
It is arguable that if not for the contributions of the Chinese and Indian Malaysians who helped in the development of this country tremendously, Malaysia would probably be in same category like Indonesia or the Philippines, if not worst.
As for the writer's assumption that no other race has been more considerate, generous and kind of the needs of other people, I would encourage the writer to travel around the world and look at countries where the Chinese and Indians are minorities too.
The malay and others of the same mind should learn to stand on their own feet rather than claim for special privileges and rights. The world is becoming globalised and if they don't change their attitude, they will only become beggars in their own country.
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